Wednesday, April 7, 2010


WHAT DO YOU THINK when at there was HALAL logo at the food court, but the cook are non-muslim?

today there are a lot of food court in over the world. where were we go, when, doesn't matter. the food court can give you their service every time, 24 hours per day, every day.

as a muslim, we just cant take halal issue for granted. this is a serious issue. thing, and foods that we ate will become our blood.

the good muslim will always take care of what they eat.

eating a non halal food make u have no different with non muslim people. they way u take care of your food can be a symbol to show that you are the good muslim or not.

WHAT DO YOU THINK when you were eating at the food court that the cook was non-muslim?

1 comment:

  1. for me, i will not buy and eat that food.. although the food are delicious and cheaper.. because for me, if i'm not confident for certain food, i will not buy it.. and i'm also not confident to eat food that cook by non-muslims..
